Probing biomolecular structure with nuclear magnetic resonance
Welcome to the Caulkins Lab Group Research Site! Our group works to explore the three-dimensional structures of biomolecules as well as tease out the atomic-level details of catalytic conversions. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a powerful tool for the determination of molecular structure; never is this power more evident than when working with a biological system. NMR allows for a description of not just structures, but also dynamics, kinetics, and a myriad of other useful pieces of information. My research employs the physical technique of NMR to probe the structure and function of biomolecules. Students in my lab gain experience in the overexpression and purification of proteins and fundamental bio-NMR structural techniques. There are two bio-systems currently being studied in my lab: ubiquitin and ornithine decarboxylase. Click on the links below to learn more!

Welcome Video from Quinlin and Krishna!

Group News
June 2024
Welcome new group members Anastasia Karavasili (Pomona '26) and Joanne Oh (Pitzer '25) who will perform research in the lab this summer!
May 2024
Congratulations to Quinlin Dixon-Lim, who graduated from Scripps College! Quinlin is off to start an exciting position as a research assistant at Yale. We wish her all the luck!
April 2024
Congratulations to Quinlin Dixon-Lim, who presented a poster at the recent Experimental NMR Conference in Asilomar, CA!
December 2023
Congratulations to Quinlin and Hailey who both successfully defended their theses!
August 2023
Welcome new group members Kaili Aqui (CMC), Ryan Selle (Scripps), Grant Stucky (CMC), and Megan Yee (Scripps)!
May 2023
Congratulations to Naomi Berkowitz (Scripps) and Maren Summers (CMC) who graduated!! Maren will begin a position at the Air Force Research Lab at Edwards Air Force Base, and Naomi is off to begin a research position at OHSU! We are so excited for them both!
April 2023
Congratulations to Naomi, Quinlin, Maren, and Hailey who presented posters at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference at Loyola Marymount University!
January 2023
Welcome new group member Mia Rhee from CMC!
December 2022
Naomi (Scripps) and Maren (CMC) both completed excellent theses and successfully defended their posters! Well done!
Fall 2022
Welcome new group member Hailey Bates from Scripps!